We've got One-on-One Tutoring for your special needs!

We understand group tutoring may not be the best option for every student out there, so we made sure to offer one-on-one tutoring for those who prefer a more specialised and intimate learning experience!

One-On-One learning which ensures the student is carefully being followed up down to the smallest detail.

We make sure students are comfortable and are learning at their own pace, making sure to adjust the learning to the student’s needs.

We Teach the Following Skills

Academic Values

Growing and teaching students core academic values that are essential in education.

Coaching Values

Increasing students’ awareness and sense of responsibility while encouraging self-development.


Teaching students the required skills to be disciplined in study and life.

Social Development

Encouraging students to interact, discuss, and work together to solve problems.


Session (Years 7-10)
  • Year 7-10 Subjects
  • Individualised Feedback
  • Specialised Learning with One-On-One Tutoring
  • 1 Week Free Trial
Start Your Free Trial
Session (Years 11-12)
  • Year 11-12 Subjects
  • Individualised Feedback
  • Specialised Learning with One-On-One Tutoring
  • 1 Week Free Trial
Start Your Free Trial